Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need an artificial lens implanted during a cataract surgery?

Cataracts themselves are a condenser. If this lens is removed during surgery, we must make up for the missing refractive power. This allows you to get rid of your glasses after surgery.

Does the type of artificial lens determine how I will see after surgery?

Yes, like other products, there are countless types of artificial lenses. Just as there are significant differences between car or clothing brands, it certainly does matter what artificial lens you choose for your eye surgery.

Premed Pharma is committed to making the highest quality and state of the art lenses available for ophthalmic surgery, including the members of the FineVision® product family.

What is the difference between monofocal and multifocal artificial lenses?

A traditional single-focus artificial lens provides excellent visual acuity for a pre-determined, selected distance. Patients using monofocal lens usually aim for good, distant visual acuity, but for them, glasses will still be needed for activities done in close vicinity, such as reading, or using a computer.

Multi-focus lenses (such as the FineVision® three-focus trifocal lenses) provide a much wider range of sharp vision and help the patient live a more active life. With the help of trifocal lenses, in addition to distant objects, you can also see things within your distance. You can easily use your computer, see the display of your mobile phone, see the faces of your children and grandchildren sharply and reading or watch television will not be a problem either. As a result, more and more people are choosing these artificial lenses, as they significantly reduce the reliance on the use of glasses.

With trifocal artificial lenses, will I really be able to see sharply at all distances?

The trifocal artificial lens provides very good visual acuity at all distances. In the first few weeks following surgery, patients learn to use their “new vision” gradually. However, after 1-2 months, the visual experience becomes completely natural.

Will my vision be as sharp as in my youth?

With trifocal artificial lenses, you will be able to see as sharply as when you were young. FineVision® products enable spectacle-free living and visual acuity at all distances.

What complications could emerge after surgery? (what are the complications of surgery?)

Like all surgery, there is a risk to cataract surgery as well. However, this is very low, with only 0.5% of cases experiencing unexpected complications (1 per 200 surgeries). The immediate medical check-up of any complaints that occur after surgery, will allow for addressing issues in a timely manner.

Why shouldn’t I have one eye focused on closer, while the other focused on farther distances using conventional single focus lenses?

Sensing depth and distance requires the cooperation of both eyes. If single-focus (monofocal) artificial lenses were fitted to both eyes, (one for farsightedness and the other for near-sightedness), the patient would lose his sense of depth. This would be extremely dangerous under certain conditions (eg: driving a car or walking on uneven ground). Thanks to FineVision® trifocal technology, the FineVision® artificial lenses will provide sharp vision at all distances after surgery. This way you will be able to see perfectly both near and far.

Are trifocal lenses easy to use (get accustomed to) by everyone?

After surgery, your eyes may be sensitive for a few days, which is completely normal. It is important to emphasize that full recovery takes several weeks. During the recovery period, you may experience some minor stinging sensations and a slight foreign body sensation, as well as some mild discharge. For a few days you may see things blurry or discoloured. Usually, however, your vision becomes more pleasant and more comfortable with each passing day, and as your symptoms ease, your vision improves continuously.

In the weeks after surgery, the patient gradually learns to use their new found vision, and after 1-2 months, all patients feel comfortable and natural, “as if their eyes have always been like this”.

Will I see with them as if I was using multifocal glasses?

Not exactly. With multifocal glasses, the diopters for different distances are located below one another, so the person wearing the glasses would tilt his head and move his eyes to select the appropriate focus. The multifocal artificial lens is located inside the eye, hence, moving together with the eye, it does not require any special or additional head movement. Getting used to it is therefore a lot easier and smoother, meanwhile the vision experience is more natural.

What happens if someone cannot get used to the trifocal lenses? Can they be replaced?

The vast majority of patients can easily become accustomed to using the trifocal FineVision® artificial lenses. In extremely rare cases, someone may find it difficult - in which case it is in principle possible (with another surgery) to replace the trifocal artificial lens with a monofocal one.

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