

What is a cataract? / What are cataracts?

Cataracts are the gradual clouding of the transparent lens inside the eye. It leads to a reduced amount and quality of light passing through the eyes needed for eyesight. Vision becomes blurred, colour perception changes, and light sensitivity increases. Cataracts are one of the leading causes of vision loss in the world. It usually affects people over the age of 60, but can also occur among young children. The development of cataracts is barely noticeable, but as the lens become increasingly hazy, the symptoms worsen, which can also lead to blindness.

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Felkeltettük az érdeklődését? Vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot még ma! Adatainak megadását követően egy tanácsadó munkatársunk felveszi Önnel a kapcsolatot telefonon keresztül!

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    What is the solution to your cataract problem?

    The only effective treatment for cataracts is surgery.


    Cataract surgery is the most common procedure in the world, performed in more than 18 million cases annually. We expect that such a surgery will completely or at least very largely restore your vision. During the eye surgery, the surgeon removes the blurred lens and replaces it with clear artificial lens. There are three natural lens replacement options: single-focus (monofocal), two-focus (bifocal), or three-focus trifocal artificial lenses. However, only the trifocal technology will allow you to live your life without using glasses.

    I’m interested in the FineVision® solution!

    Felkeltettük az érdeklődését? Vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot még ma! Adatainak megadását követően egy tanácsadó munkatársunk felveszi Önnel a kapcsolatot telefonon keresztül!

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      Felkeltettük az érdeklődését? Vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot még ma! Adatainak megadását követően egy tanácsadó munkatársunk felveszi Önnel a kapcsolatot telefonon keresztül!

        * A csillaggal jelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.
        ** Hozzájárulásomat bármikor jogosult vagyok visszavonni.

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