Trifocal technology means that during the eye surgery, the doctor removes the natural lens of the eye and replaces it with an artificial three-focus trifocal lens. The trifocal artificial lens has three different focal points. It is designed to provide a clear vision not only for short distances (within 40 cm) but for longer distances exceeding 1-2 meters, as well as for intermediate distances of 60-70 cm.
Have you ever dreamed of getting up in the morning without groping for your glasses? Without having to put them on first thing because without them you can barely see anything? Many people do this every morning.
Now imagine opening your eyes and seeing everything clearly.
Single-focus (monofocal) lenses have only one optical correction zone, a bifocal lens allows you to see well both near and far, but only the trifocal technology enables sharp vision even at intermediate distances. This intermediate distance is becoming increasingly important in our lives. We also use our computers and smartphones at this distance (60-70 cm), and things on the kitchen counter, or on our desk are just as important.
For patients suffering from cataract and old eyes (presbyopia) symptoms, our FineVision® trifocal intraocular artificial lens implant surgery is highly recommended especially if they are still very active, prefer not to wear glasses, work a lot on a computer or tablet, love to read, and love sports and nature. They might also want to drive their cars safely and also admire the smiles of their children, grandchildren and friends.
In addition to treating cataracts and presbyopia, with a single procedure, the FineVision® trifocal lens also corrects optical defects of the eye, such as astigmatism, myopia or farsightedness.
Studies have shown, that nearly 95% of patients who got FineVision® trifocal artificial lens implants got rid of their glasses or contact lenses permanently.
Clear vision (clairvoyance) is no longer a luxury, but a prerequisite for a full life. The FineVision® trifocal intraocular lens provides optimal vision at all distances, regardless of your lifestyle. You will no longer need your glasses.