
artificial lenses

You don't really want to wear
glasses or contact lenses all your life, do you?

Artificial lenses used today for cataract surgery offer an effective and safe solution and are also suitable for treating multiple vision problems simultaneously. They are made of flexible acrylic material with UV filter that enhances safety, and can be folded, so they can be implanted through a 1-2 mm wound without using any stiches at the end of the operation. The lenses’ sharp edges prevent them from clouding, thus inhibiting the formation of “secondary cataracts”.

Artificial lens implants inside the eye are suitable for the correction of presbyopia, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and cataracts and also provide excellent visual quality. The choice of surgical technique and the type of artificial lens used will depend on many factors. However, the general condition of your body, the health of your eyes, as well as your personality, lifestyle, needs and expectations will also be taken into consideration.

There are several types of artificial lenses

Monofocal (single focus): corrects farsightedness (distant vision)

In this case, the operated eye will have sharp vision at specified distance. It is suitable for driving during the day or night, for watching TV, movies and doing sports. However, you will definitely need glasses for other activities done in closer distances, such as reading or precision work. It is suitable for those, who do not mind wearing glasses.

Bifocal (two-focus): improves near- and farsightedness

The artificial lens divides the light into two separate focal points, one for near, the other for distant sharp vision. Your eye sight will be good within a distance of 40 cm, but the vision quality may vary (greatly) depending on the light conditions. On the other hand, seeing objects at an arm’s length, using a computer, or cooking may become more problematic, since at this distance only little light enters the retina.

Trifocal (three-focus): improves near, far and intermediate vision

The trifocal artificial lens has three different focal points that provide full-range vision and seeing sharp image at all distances. Today, thanks to artificial lens implants, millions of people enjoy uncumbered vision.

The quality of the vision after surgery will often be better than what was previously attained with glasses.

Monofocal (single focus)

Bifocal (two-focus)

Trifocal (tree-focus)

I'm interested in the trifocal FineVision® lens!

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    Felkeltettük az érdeklődését? Vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot még ma! Adatainak megadását követően egy tanácsadó munkatársunk felveszi Önnel a kapcsolatot telefonon keresztül!

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      ** Hozzájárulásomat bármikor jogosult vagyok visszavonni.

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